Kings Pull Off Huge Win in Cayuga, News, PW3, LL, 2014-2015 (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 04, 2014 | Jennifer Pain | 269 views
Kings Pull Off Huge Win in Cayuga
The Kings took control of the game early and never looked back!

The Kings, seemingly unphased by the size difference at the face-off circle, provided the roaring crowd with an exciting, fast-paced game where they controlled the puck with ease en route to a convincing 4-1 victory. Zach Archibald commanded much of the game with his outstanding passing and puck-handling, setting up his linemate Ty MacDonald on a 1-2 punch resulting in 2 goals. Zach contributed another unassisted goal to add to his 3 point night. Final goal scored by Liam Rabbat, who was rewarded on his continual forward press - assisted by the relentless Brayden Pauls in his new-found position of center, as well as Dylan Kay. Great teamwork!

Defense was strong again, with the addition of Kyle Arnold. The offensive press was exciting and fear-evoking - you never know when Dustin Hine will connect on that slapshot, but when he does, LOOK OUT! The Allemang-Pain dynamic duo was strong in front of our net once again, and Nicholas Clark continues to have success stealing the puck from defenders in their own end and creating offensive opportunities for the Kings.

Finally, Josh Cybulski continues to dominate the crease - he is an absolute wall and saved the Kings from a few "sure" goals last night. He is unreal! His quiet confidence in net certainly allows the Kings to continue pressing forward, knowing that they have his support in the crease.

Watch out, hockey fans - this team just found it's mojo.......