Thank You!, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Nov 07, 2017 | cdaye | 1087 views
Thank You!
On behalf of the Challenge Cup Tournament Committee and CDMHA, I would like to thank everyone who supported this year's tournament.  To all of the coaches, players, referees, timekeepers, volunteers and vendors, we couldn't do it without you.  A special thank you to all of our sponsors for your donations to our prize table and program advertising, your support is greatly appreciated!

Canadian Tire Caledonia
Home Hardware Caledonia
Pressmans Printing 
Norton Construction
Wiggies Pizza
Caledonia Wireless
WJ Heaslips
Lawrences Sports Excellence
Hamilton Bulldogs Hockey
Brandon Montour & Family
John Kichinko & Family
Winegard Motors

Another successful tournament is in the books and we look forward to next year!

Beth Wise
Salon Anes
289-757-0888 45 Caithness St E Unit 4, Caledonia