2018/19 REP Coaches Announcement, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Apr 06, 2018 | pmakey | 2564 views
2018/19 REP Coaches Announcement
CDMHA is pleased to welcome the following coaches for the upcoming 2018 and 2019 season. We thank these tireless volunteers for there commitment and passion to take our teams to the best level possible in the upcoming season.

The coaches are:

Midget Rep - Jamie Vowles
Bantam Rep - Jason Clark
Peewee Rep - John Love
Atom Rep - Roger Long
Novice Rep - Brent Fehrman

All AE and Local League coaches will be announced at a later date.

Coaching selection is lead by Connie Scott and various people from on the CDMHA Board and other outside volunteers. This is a rigorous application process and each coach goes thru a interview process. Based on their experience, plans for the team they are applying for, approach to development, team management, conflict resolution and overall passion, Connie and her team make recommendations to the board and the selected individuals are then voted on.

We thank Connie for her continued dedication in this area. We are always looking for skilled unbiased individuals to assist in this process, if you are interested please reach out me.

Please welcome and support these coaches. Every player and parent takes an important part in the coaches success. Please take time to remember and act on these simple points:
  1. You need to be part of the team at all times and participate and accept the teams direction and all its members.
  2. Do not coach from the stands.
  3. Although you may not agree with every decision the coaching staff makes, support them and never question or criticize them in front of a player.
  4. Be professional and respectful at all times to the coaches, players and other parents.
  5. Positively influence your own player. Talk to them about being respectful, trying hard always and the importance of winning as a team, and most importantly having fun.
  6. Work with your child off ice and away from the arena. Remember general exercise will help immensely in their ability to try hard. General stick handling, public skates or coach approved off ice development will go a long way in making your child a terrific player and team contributor.
Most importantly, remember that the effort from you or your child doesn't stop once they make the team. Just being a member of a REP team isn't what makes them successful. It takes further commitment and dedication to work as a team to truly be the best representatives of Caledonia REP Hockey!

Good luck to all players in the tryout, work hard, skate hard and have fun! And thank you again to our coaches!

Salon Anes
289-757-0888 45 Caithness St E Unit 4, Caledonia