Sep 03, 2019 | Arli Adams | 1949 views
Rowan's Law - Concussion Awareness Acknowledgement
This is an update regarding the legislative requirements under the implementation of Rowan’s Law by the Government of Ontario.
Review of the Rowan's Law concussion safety documents and the signing of the acknowledgement form is mandatory before any player or team official can get on the ice this season. Please do so before your child's first ice time, you child's coach will contact you with further details of when forms will be completed.
What is Rowan’s Law?
Rowan Stringer was a 17-year old Ottawa varsity rugby player who died from sustaining multiple concussions resulting in a catastrophic swelling of the brain – second impact syndrome. On March 7, 2018, Ontario passed Rowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 and related amendments to the Education Act. However, it is important to understand that this applies to all Sport Organizations, schools, programs and businesses in the province. This is not a hockey ‘thing’ – it is legislation (Ontario Regulation 161/19) from the Government of Ontario. All Team Officials currently registered with the CDMHA will also be required to complete the review of information and acknowledgement prior to the season starting.
The Ontario Hockey Federation Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources must be reviewed before you can sign off on the acknowledgement form and register/participate in the OHF.
Age appropriate reading level information booklets can be downloaded through the following links:
Age 10 and Younger
Ages 11- 14
Ages 15+
Rowan's Law OHF Acknowledgement Form - Printable
More information on Rowan's Law can be found at