Mar 05, 2020 | Arli Adams | 940 views
2020/21 CDMHA Executive & Board Nominations
Nominations for the 2020-2021 Season are now being
accepted at the hockey office.
Nominations are open for all director positions which includes convenor positions, development, gate and timekeeper as well as webmaster, equipment manager and tournament convenor. CDMHA will fill the convenor positions prior to filling any other director positions on the board. Nominations are open for the following Executive positions; President, Vice President of Rep/AE Operations, Vice President of Local League Operations, Treasurer and Secretary. In order to be eligible for an Executive position on the board, you must have served at least one year on the board as a Director. In order to be eligible for nomination to any position on the CDMHA Board of Directors, a person must be a member in good standing and must not have had any formal discipline related issues with any previous minor hockey boards and with CDMHA. For further information please contact Traciann Fisher [email protected]