Coach Applicants needed for U11 AE & U13 AE Teams, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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May 05, 2020 | Arli Adams | 1168 views
Coach Applicants needed for U11 AE & U13 AE Teams
As per CDMHA's policy, we are looking for an additional Coach Applicant for each of U11 AE and U13 AE.   

Coaching application can be found under the Coaches Corner tab on the CDMHA website or by clicking on the following link.  

The application deadline for May 31, 2020.
Please see application for further details.   

Please note that due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, no interviews will take place until Hockey Canada and the OMHA advise that hockey operations can resume.
Salon Anes
289-757-0888 45 Caithness St E Unit 4, Caledonia