Updated Haldimand County Arena Protocols- Nov 26, 2020, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Nov 06, 2020 | Arli Adams | 1492 views
Updated Haldimand County Arena Protocols- Nov 26, 2020
Hello CDMHA families,  
Please see below, an update from the County regarding the Arena Protocols. We would ask all families to please adhere to the protocols set out by the HNHU. 

*  Anyone accessing the Arena must enter through the front doors and be screened. No one is allowed to enter through other access doors/emergency exits

*  Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times throughout the facility – with the exception of while participants are on the ice. Children under the age of two (2) are exempt from this requirement

*  Failure to follow the directional arrows, signage or instructions of on-site staff could result in immediate expulsion from the facility.

*  One (1) parent/guardian per youth skater will be allowed in the facility—no exceptions
*  Parents/guardians will be screened by County staff and must sign in (name, telephone number). This information will be kept for 30 days and then destroyed

*  If a coach/trainer/manager is on the bench and has a child on the team, an additional  parent/guardian is permitted in the facility.  If a parent is a coach/trainer/manager is not on the bench and attends a game with their child, an additional parent/guardian is NOT permitted in the facility.  The number of spectators in the facility should not exceed the number of youth skaters.   And in an attempt to “work around” the one (1) parent/guardian per youth skater protocol, It has been reported to Facilities Staff that some parents/guardians are not providing their real name and/or telephone number when they are screened to enter the facility.  This is a detrimental practice that has serious implications. Through the HNHU investigation process relating to COVID-19 infections that have been connected to participants at the arenas, we have learned firsthand how important accurate contact tracing is! 

Participants may bring one small bag (only large enough to hold items such as helmet, skates, mouth guards, tape, epi-pens, inhalers, juice for diabetics, keys; not for clothing or additional equipment)

*  Equipment bags will not be allowed into the facility, with the exception of goalies

*  Goalies (youth/adult) will be provided with a Change Room. Permit holders are responsible for ensuring only the goalie(s) is using the designated Change Room. Failure to comply could impact future ice times

*  Chairs will be set up outside of the ice pad for putting on skates, and participants must use the same chair for the duration of the ice time

If this practice continues, this protocol will be reconsidered and may lead to spectators no longer being allowed in the facility.

Thank you for your continued assistance with the implementation of the Arena Protocols.    