Rep Players - Prep Ice and Tryouts Update, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Sep 10, 2021 | Arli Adams | 760 views
Rep Players - Prep Ice and Tryouts Update
The Rep Prep Ice starts this Saturday September 11th, 2021. Please check the website for your division time slot. 

Most Rep coaches have sent emails to the players but if you have any questions please contact the Rep Coaches, their email is on the team website.  

PLEASE NOTE: You need to bring a jersey to the Prep Ice, jerseys will not be handed out until Tryouts.  

TRYOUT PROCESS:   When you arrive at the arena before your tryout, you will need to check in at the table and you will be assigned a jersey by the Rep coach.  If you are coming to tryouts as a walk up, you will need to attend the Thunder Hockey office first to pay your walk-up fee ($100 cash) and receive your player code for electronic releases before you can receive your jersey.  

PLEASE NOTE: You must tryout for Rep in order to attend the AE tryouts.  You cannot by-pass the Rep tryouts and only attend AE tryouts.  

PLEASE NOTE: All players will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms by CDMHA's gatekeepers.  Parents and spectators will be sign in with County staff.    

Good luck to all!