U18 Reps Supporting Movember, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Nov 07, 2021 | Arli Adams | 465 views
U18 Reps Supporting Movember
This year our coaching staff and some of our players have decided to participate in Movember.  We are encouraging as many players as possible to participate along with the coaches to see how much money we can raise.    

All donations go towards research for Prostate and Testicular Cancer and Men’s Health Initiatives.   If anyone is interested in donating to our team, we would appreciate the support.  
Our Team Mo Page:

Cancer has touch so many of our lives and we hopeful that we can show the next generation the value in supporting causes such as this.   
Thank you for considering supporting us and if nothing else, you can laugh at our pictures online as the month goes by.  
Andrew Guidolin
Head Coach Caledonia Thunder U18 BB Rep Team
Salon Anes
289-757-0888 45 Caithness St E Unit 4, Caledonia