Non-Sanctioned Play, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Nov 16, 2021 | Arli Adams | 918 views
Non-Sanctioned Play
Hello Members,
It has come to the attention of CDMHA that there has been some solicitation of our players to join and play in practices, games and tournaments in non sanctioned leagues. 

Please be advised that this will result in players losing their privileges to play within the OHF.
This means they will no longer be able to play for any sanctioned organization in Ontario which includes Caledonia Minor Hockey.
Please be careful before you accept any invitation to join a team or play in a game or tournament outside the OMHA/OHF.
Please see details below from the OMHA release.
Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Brent Fehrman
[email protected]
