Amalgamation - Team Name & Colours, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Mar 24, 2022 | Arli Adams | 945 views
Amalgamation - Team Name & Colours
One of the next steps with the Amalgamation is to come up with a nickname and team colours for the Haldimand Minor Hockey Association rep teams. We are asking for your suggestions.

Guidelines we have to follow:
*  The colours cannot be the same as any colours from the original centres (Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville).
*  The nickname cannot include any references to the original centres’ names.
*  The new nickname cannot reference anything inappropriate for youth sports  

Your submissions should include both the nickname and the colour combination you would like to see on the jerseys and teamwear. 

Submissions can be made by emailing [email protected] 
While we await OMHA's approval, the deadline for entries is extended to noon, Tuesday, March 29, 2022.
After the deadline, each centre will bring their submissions to the new Haldimand Minor Hockey Association Board where a number of finalists will be chosen. The finalists will then be revealed to the membership where a vote will take place to choose the successful HMHA nickname and new colours. 

We greatly appreciate and thank you for your participation in this process!
Salon Anes
289-757-0888 45 Caithness St E Unit 4, Caledonia