CDMHA Will Not Be Moving to 5 on 5 Hockey, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Dec 17, 2020 | Arli Adams | 931 views
CDMHA Will Not Be Moving to 5 on 5 Hockey
Good Day CDMHA Families;  
By now we know you may have heard that the OMHA has been given permission from the OHF to commence 5 on 5 hockey. 

We wanted to reach out to let you know that in consultation with the other centres within our public health unit, CDMHA will not be moving to 5 on 5 hockey in January. We also want to let you know that we did reach out to the OMHA approximately 1 month ago to ask if 5 on 5 hockey was being considered and were told no and therefore, did not consider this in our planning for moving forward in the New Year.
Our current goal is to continue to provide a safe and fun environment for our players and plan for a return to 5 on 5 hockey in the 2021-2022 season.  
Thank you for continued support. We wish you all a safe holiday season.