Sponsorship Opportunities for Upcoming Season, News (Caledonia Minor Hockey)

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Jul 17, 2018 | pmakey | 1528 views
Sponsorship Opportunities for Upcoming Season
CDMHA would like to thank last years sponsors and all ongoing supporters. It is the business's like your that helps make our season successful. 

We are looking for sponsors for the 2018/19 season. We have various opportunities available, from team jersey sponsors to specific sponsors for the Challenge Cup.

Please take a minute to revue all the opportunities. If you or someone you know wants to support a terrific cause in our community and gain advertising access to over 600 plus members, their families and all the families who come to Caledonia to compete then the CDMHA is a great place to advertise.

Along with offering a great program for our communities kids to play hockey, learn and have fun we also try and support all the business in the region.

Did you know that:

·      500+ players and families living in our community and sourcing there needs from business like you.


·      100+ Visiting Teams and their families buying gas, food and other needs from the businesses in Caledonia and area over a season.


·      Caledonia Challenge Cup bringing 60+ teams to town for a 3 day tournament. Hundreds of families eating, shopping and lodging in our region.

Please take a few minutes to review all the sponsor ship opportunities available. Please feel to reach out to Lisa Turner our VP of Business if you would like to discuss your contribution.

Please note the deadline for Jersey Sponsors is August 1st 2018.

